You must first determine what ip address it received. Configure sipura spa1001 for iinetphone iinet group. Sipura technology spa2000 administration manual pdf download. As you know, linksys discontinued the spa1001 awhile back and the current support documents only include firmware and a datasheet. You will need to know then when you get a new router, or when you reset your router. Incoming calls on the spa3000 pstn line will ring the phone connected to the spa1001. Linksys ata administrator users guide ground control. This hard phone is another ata analog telephone adaptor. Inphonex is proud to support internet telephony equipment ip phones including sipura 2000, sipura 3000, cisco. Installation of the cisco spa 2100 phone adapter to nationphone. If you dont have preconfigured linksys spa 1001 provided by voipvoip and you are using your own device please check linksys spa 1001 byod configuration guide.
Set the user id field to the extension number you want to associate with this. All configurations were done and successfully connected to viatalk server, got dial tone. Using the telephone keypad, press the star key four 4 times. Sipura phone adapter sip analog telephone adapter ata. Sipura spa 3000 setup guide sipura spa 3000 user guide. Find the default login, username, password, and ip address for your linksys spa1001 router. Sipura ip phone specification provu communications. Upon request, the spa will reboot only when it is idle.
Unlocked linksys sipura spa1001 fxs voip phone adapter. View online or download linksys spa 1001 administrator user manual, provisioning manual. View and download sipura technology instruction manual online. Sipura spa 2002 configuration guide page 2 2 accessing the spa 2002 to access the spa 2002. Sipura ata user guide sipuralinksys ata admin guide sipura spa841 user guide. View online or download sipura technology spa user manual. Read installation instructions before connecting to a power source. Manually configuring a linksys spa 901, 921, 941, 922, 942, 962 for 3cx. The solutions are designed for home phone service, business phone service, call shops, telemarketing firms and cyber cafes. The sipura spa841 ip telephone for hosted voip and ip pbx applications. Spa841 this section of the user guide provides some general information regarding the spa841, its use, warranty, configuration and physical components of the product.
First make sure your sipura spa 2000 device is plugged in a fully booted. This page shows you how to login to the linksys spa1001 router. Insert a standard rj11 telephone cable into the spa 2100 phone 1 or phone 2 port. Spa 3000 was never actualy produced by linksys, they produced later spa 3102 units. Acrylic spa owners manual customer service 18007876649 read and follow all instructions unit is ipx5 compliant featuring our patented, maintenancefree duralast cabinet system with heatshield insulation technology u. Jul 26, 2009 follow the simple directions below to factory reset your sipura spa 2000 device.
The rj11 input labeled phone has to be connected to a regular pstn phone and the second rj11 input labeled line is to be connected to a. I had same issues with receiving incoming calls on my sipura ata 1001, discovered the problem was with my dlink dsl504g modemrouter. View and download linksys sd2005 instruction manual online. Please read the following voip setup instructions carefully.
Linksys and sipura phones spa phones onsip support. Make sure your sipura is attached to your router, and that you have a pen and paper handy. Sipura technology recommends that a category 5 cable or greater be used in conjunction with the spa. Connect the rj45 input to the network you are using. Now off hook the phone you have attached to the device.
Linksys spa1001 voip configuration and setup guide. Connect the other end of the cable to an analog telephone. Sipura spa configuration info system sip provisioning regional phone line 1 line 2 user 1 user 2 user login basic advanced system information dhcp. The rj11 input labeled phone has to be connected to a regular pstn phone and the second rj11 input labeled line is to be connected to a regular pstn phone line. It enables you to connect your pots plain old telephone system phones to the internet. There is no difference between the old sipura spa 3000 and the new. Anyway, regardless of the unit producer spa or linksys they are capable to use the same firmware. User manual sipura spa 2100 ata with pc router january 2005 v1 linhagratuita grupo csdata br. This is one of the most feature rich and easy to use ata that we have tested. When i configured to use the adapter with the service provider, viatalk, i gave my new admin password on the password box under admin web page. Sipura spa1001 3cx software based voip ip pbx pabx.
Sipura spa 2100 ata user manual csdata the voip company csdata brasil ltda. From the fw point of view are all the spa 1001 identical and the different model or build parameters do not delimit fw version the board is compatible with. Pripojte napajeci adapter do zdirky oznacene power 5v. My voip carrier is usa based but my cell has a venezuelan carrier. Pripojte kabel skoncovkou rj11 do portu oznacenem phone na spa1001. Sipura technology spa2100 supplemental users manual pdf. Sipura technology spa 1001 pdf manual download for free. Sipura spa 3000 setup instructions for the linksys pap2 are can be found here, and should help you with configuring your device. Manually configuring a linksys spa 901, 921, 941, 922, 942. Linksys spa1001 byod voip settings and configuration guide. Otherwise, you will need to follow the following steps to configure your sipura spa 3000. Now save the page, then load it up in your web browser, when you hit submit changes, your saved configuration will be loaded back into your spa 3000. Once you hear the voice saying sipura configuration, press the following key. Can my sipura now linksys 1001 redirect calls to my cellphone.
Connect to the spa 2000 by entering the devices ip address in the web browsers address bar. I had downloaded and installed the latest firmware from their tech support page, however i discovered by clicking on. The pdf userguide is a good start but an online version with a little more. I myself have 2 pieces of spa 1001 units, one in the old sipura box, one in the new linksys box, each of them having different hw revision and both hapily run. Where ip address of sipura is the ip address of your sipura spa 3000.
View and download sipura technology spa 2100 user manual online. Sipura spa1001 voip phone adapter series sign in to comment. Lift the phone handset and press the key 4 times that is. A web browser for configuring the spa and the phone lines in linuxmce webmin. View and download sipura technology spa 2000 administration manual online. We delete comments that violate our policy, which we encourage you to read. Spa 2000 telephone accessories pdf manual download. Internode support guides nodephone sipura spa 3000. This free service allows you to easily configure a sipura linksys spa series adaptor for a number of different services with known good configurations. This document contains implementation examples and techniques using sipura technology, inc.
Sipura linksys spa 1001 can my sipura now linksys 1001 redirect calls to my cellphone. View and download sipura technology spa 2100 supplemental users manual online. Sipura spa1001 voip phone adapter series specs cnet. Also operates with the cisco spa1001, spa2000, spa2002, spa2100, spa2102 phone. This will create a line extension between a sipura 1001 although 2000, 2002. View and download sipura technology spa 2000 user manual online. Sipura spa this ata has now been superceded by the sipura spa 1001. We delete comments that violate our policy, which we.
Tasks required to have your sipura spa 3000 working efficiently. The latest firmware for the sipura spa 3000 can be located on the sipura support site. Alle sipuragerate, faqs, konfigurationen, firmware. There is an old ata administration guide there 2004 and some other spa1001 stuff.
How to factory reset a sipura spa2000 to default settings. Database contains 18 cisco spa508g manuals available for free online viewing or downloading in pdf. Where can i locate newer firmware and the software that uploads the firmware to the device. Touch the menu key on the phone and choose 9 for network.
Please read the sipura manual to customize your dial plan. Connect an analog phone to the phone 1 port on the spa 2002. Linksys spa1001 sipura spa1001 configuration wizard. The spa3000 features voip adapter functionality found in the spa3000 with the additional benefit of an integral connection for legacy telephone network hopon, hopoff applications.
Inphonex is proud to support internet telephony equipment ip phones including sipura 2000, sipura 3000, cisco 186, linksys pap2 and other sip phone adaptors. How to remotely reboot a linksys sipura device byte. You have a sipura linksys spa 1001, for other linksys devices, choose another device configuration wizard you must have adminlevel access to the web interface of the spa. Sipura spa2000 installation guide page 11 line12 window audio configuration and dial plan sections 8. A laptop, netboox, or pc you can temporarily connect a network cable to the lan port on the device. A typical user calling from a land line or mobile phone will be able to reduce and even eliminate international and long distance telephone charges by first calling their spa 3000 via a local phone number or by using a telephone connected directly to the unit. The sipura firmware update tool does not work if the spa has an admin password set. Sipura phone adapter has one rj45 connector, two rj11 and a powersupply jack. For instructions on obtaining the ip address, refer to. Other models may also have the same setup, please check the pap2 setup guide here and see if the screens look similar. Linksys spa, spa 1001 voip settings and sip configuration guide. With byod option, inexpensive, easy to install and simpletouse, the linksys spa 1001 voip adapter connects to your standard telephone and highspeed internet enabling internet phone service for your home. So if an admin password is set on your spa you should clear it for the upgrade, then put it back afterwards. The only documentation publicly accessible is the sipura ata user guide for firmware v2.
User manuals, guides and specifications for your cisco spa508g ip phone, telephone. Also the update enable field on the provisioning tab needs to be set to yes or it will ignore requests to upgrade the firmware. This page contains the user manual in pdf form for the linksys spa 1001 router. Store has stock of spa 1001, spa 2000, spa 2100 and spa 3000. You will need another device fxo to connect to pstn line, such as a voiop gateway, besides the spa10.
Sipura technology spa2000 user manual pdf download. View and download sipura technology spa 841 user manual online. Log into your linksys sipura phone through a web browser you will need the ip address of the linksys sipura device. In the dial plan section, change the dial plan to fit the dialing pattern in your country. Differences between sipura spa 2100 and sipura spa 2002 sipura spa 2100 also connects analog telephone adapters or fax machines with ip based data networks. Attach a phone to the sipura spa 2000 using an rj11 cable. Our goal is to provide you with a quick access to the content of the user manual for linksys sipura spa 1001. Ip routing, refer to the user guide for the specific device. Sipura spa 1001 sipura spa 2000 sipura spa 2002 sipura spa 2100 sipura spa 3000 setup instructions for the linksys pap2 are can be found here, and should help you with configuring your device. The difference between sipura spa 2100 and sipura spa 2002 is that sipura spa 2100 has two rj11 ports for connecting to existing telephone analog adapters, fax or pbx systems and two rj45 ethernet ports, whereas sipura spa 2002 has one. Find the default login, username, password, and ip address for your sipura spa 3000 router. I have a spa 1001 that i have been using since 2005 but it still has firmware version 2. The electric plug and socket must be accessible at all times as this is the main method to disconnect power from the device. Pripojte sitovyethernetovy kabel s rj45 do ethernet portu na spa1001 a druhy konec do switche.
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